
In the Events-page you can find dance pieces, which are performed at Liikelaituri and also elsewhere in Pirkanmaa.

Liikelaituri is a gallery-like performance space in the center of Tampere that focuses on contemporary dance. Here you can see most of the productions of the dance artists employed by Pirkanmaa Dance Centre and the association’s members, and also guest performances.

In addition, performances and events of partners and other cultural associations are organized in the space.


Unrestricted path to Liikelaituri is from the street Pinninkatu (address Pinninkatu 55 A, in the door it says 58 D) from the floor number, 0 take the elevator to floor number 1.

The elevator doors open next to the Liikelaituri main door.
If you come from the street Yliopistonkatu (address Yliopistonkatu 58 D) there are few steps. Both outside doors have the buzzer called “Pirkanmaan Tanssin Keskus”.

Ticket sales take place outside Liikelaituris door in the lobby.
The facility has an accessible toilet.
There are wheelchair spaces in the stand, which is being built separately.

You can find information about ticket sales in the events.

Picture: Rajaniemi Collective: Mistä on isot tytöt tehty? (2020) Photographer: Jussi Säilä