“Rewilding The Body” työpajat
Tanssitaiteilija Anna Riley-Shepard työskentelee syyskuun ajan Haiharan residenssissä Liikelaiturilla ja Haiharan taidekeskuksessa. Riley-Shepard pitää alueen tanssitaiteilijoille sekä ei-tanssijoille joka torstai avoimen työpajan klo 17–20. Illat koostuvat ohjatuista liikesessioista, keskustelusta ja tarjolla on myös pieni ruokatarjoilu.
Työpajoihin voi osallistua kuka tahansa. Työpajojen työskentelykieli on englanti.
Työpajat ovat maksuttomia.
Ilmoittauduthan etukäteen aina edellisen viikon perjantaina osoitteeseen emma@pirkanmaantanssinkeskus.fi.
Torstai 8.9. klo 17–20 (ilmoittaudu viim. 2.9. emma@pirkanmaantanssinkeskus.fi)
Viikko 1: Uupuminen || Transsi
Torstai 15.9. klo 17–20 (ilmoittaudu viim. 9.9.)
Viikko 2: Äärimmäinen hitaus || Hajautettu huomio
Torstai 22.9. klo 17–20 (ilmoittaudu viim. 16.9.)
Viikko 3: Somaattinen purkaminen || Kehonosion keskustelu
Torstai 29.9. klo 17–20 (ilmoittaudu viim. 23.9.)
Viikko 4: Queer keho || Toiseuttaminen
Tarkemmat kuvaukset englanniksi alla.
Liikelaituri, Yliopistonkatu 58 D
Haihara residency artist Anna Riley-Shepard will host four “Rewilding The Body” sharing evenings in September at Liikelaituri. These sharing evenings are a part of her movement research project which consists of a danced solo “concept album” and a shareable social practice.
Humans seek out wild places to fulfill parallel desires: to “reconnect with nature”, to shed oppressive societal norms, to heal ourselves. We have forgotten that, like any other animal, we are already part of nature; that the wilderness we seek is our own. Inspired by the global rewilding movement (which lets go of traditional “managed” conservation to enable emergent, instinctive, entangled ecosystem restoration processes), maker Anna Riley-Shepard explores how rewilding can also start inside us, viscerally, in our bodies. In the Haihara residency, she will work to develop her movement research project, Rewilding The Body, into both a danced solo “concept album” and a shareable social practice. Drawing on the two guiding concepts of unlearning mastery and becoming other, she will bring various movement methods — including exhaustive trance, extreme slowness, somatic deconstruction, and queer semiotics — into play.
She will invite the community to a weekly sharing evening, with a guided movement session, conversation with her musical, theoretical, and movement collaborators, and regeneratively grown food. The residency will culminate in an informal work-in-progress presentation of the solo.
The sharing events are free of charge.
Register on the previous friday to emma@pirkanmaantanssinkeskus.fi.
Thursday 8.9. at 17:00–20:00
Registration at the latest on friday 2.9. (emma(at)pirkanmaantanssinkeskus.fi).
Week 1: Exhaustion || Emergence. The body, like the natural world, is an emergent system – in other words, it behaves in ways escaping control, prediction, or categorization. Can moving through exhaustion allow us to surrender conscious decision-making and access our bodies’ emergent forces?
Thursday 15.9. at 17:00–20:00
Registration at the latest on thursday 9.9. (emma(at)pirkanmaantanssinkeskus.fi).
Week 2: Extreme Slowness || Decentralized Attention. Let’s let our awareness drift through our bodies at the timescale of breath, blood, or hormones, and move a body part only once it arrives there. A decentralized slow-dance of ego death. Let’s come close to the sentience of plants and fungi, for whom, “consciousness and its acts do not preexist the attentive attitude but are co-orignary with this attitude.”
Thursday 22.9. at 17:00–20:00
Registration at the latest on thursday 16.9. (emma(at)pirkanmaantanssinkeskus.fi).
Week 3: Somatic Deconstruction || Becoming Sensor. When we look in the mirror, we tend to see an isolated body we label as “mine”. In this gaze lies an assumption of possession — mastery. Let’s deconstruct this gaze and instead become sensor. Departing from Heidi Vierthaler’s Stream Flow method, we sense our bodies as a collection of parts in conversation, each with its own agency and desires.
Thursday 29.9. at 17:00–20:00
Registration at the latest on friday 23.9. (emma(at)pirkanmaantanssinkeskus.fi).
Week 4: Queer Body || The Wilds. The queer body exists both as subject to and in defiance of “othering” – positioned on the other side of normative boundaries but also potent in dissolving them. Let’s play with how our bodies perform and are “read” by others. Let’s find gestures within the binaries of nature, culture, biology, and sexuality – natural v. unnatural; alive v. not alive; masculine v. feminine; human v. more-than-human – and make them leaky, together discovering that “everything that’s solid is a lie.”
Liikelaituri, Yliopistonkatu 58 D, Tampere